Testimonies: Preparation and Opportunities
As believers, we know we have an obligation to spread the Good News of the Gospel. At the start, we need to prayerfully discern how God is working in our lives. We would also do well to consider whether we are growing spiritually or are we stagnant. Do we view ourselves as an evangelist? Is that a scary term? What gifts has God given you for His glory? In his presentation, John will share how to put your conversion story into words and be prepared to give testimony to what God has done in our lives.
About John
John Liberatore is the Founder and President of Primacy Risk Services providing Risk Management Consulting and Claim Administration. He formed the company in the year 2000 to respond to a growing need for immediate and comprehensive accident investigations for commercial entities which reduces the likelihood of litigation. John and Paula have been married for 30+ years and have been blessed with 8 children and 7 grandchildren. John publishes periodic reflections mostly on the incredible good news of the Gospel.