Charlotte Colley is a local government consultant, the owner of Charlotte Colley Consulting, LLC. and a former municipal and county administrator with over 18 years of local government experience. Charlotte is also the president of the Dayton chapter of C-Suite for Christ and attends Redemption Christian Tabernacle in Tipp City, Ohio.
She began her career as a local government consultant and has experience with process improvement, project management, performance measurement/management, strategic planning, facilitation, best practice research and benchmarking. As an ICMA credentialed manager and a former Ohio City/County Management Association Executive Board President Charlotte understands the value of professionally managed local government. Her understanding and experience of building successful teams, often in challenging circumstances, has proven crucial to her ability to deliver high quality project outcomes and to make positive changes in organizational culture and customer service.
Charlotte has her B.A. in Political Science from Muskingum University and her M.A. in Political Science from Miami University. She, her husband Andrew, and their three children live in West Milton, Ohio.