Put God to the Test? Yes, by All Means!

“God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want.” – C.S. Lewis

As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks economic and social destruction, the costs on a human level add up like a calculator stuck in overdrive.

Millions are experiencing a profound sense of loss. Valued intangibles have been ripped away from our existence, including many connected with personal identity: jobs. Daily routines. Lifestyles. The simple ability to interact closely with friends and loved ones.

Anxiety, stress and fear pile up … at a moment when far too many have time on their hands, allowing them to manifest.
As suggested in a recent post, the time is ideal to try something new: Embrace Christ. He’s willing. He’s open. He wants a personal relationship. You won’t look back.

He’s ready. Are you?

So many things of this world have been taken away. Maybe it’s time to dive into those not of this world.

Myriad elements of life that previously sated us are gone. We can’t turn to them for solace, to prop us up when the chips are down.

Oh sure, temporary escapes exist. Alcohol sales have shot up. A few stiff belts can dull the world’s increasingly rough edges. Dull them too much, and the next day’s hangover will define “regret.”

Yet, isn’t it ironic that liquor and marijuana stores are deemed “essential” in most states … while church gatherings are not? And pastors are arrested for ministering to their congregations in a time of desperate need for so many people?

The world seems to be turning upside down. You’ve heard our call to turn to Christ … but maybe you just need additional proof. You know, what’s in it for you.

OK, then. Put God to the test. Seriously. He’s up to it.

Come up with a request – not for a million dollars, or a new Ferrari, or a monolithic mansion. Consider a life situation you’re facing: a challenged relationship. Fading hope and optimism. An ill loved one. Fear about what lies ahead.

Ask God for help. Pray earnestly and often. Be vulnerable. Put yourself at His mercy.

Don’t expect God to grant your request immediately. His sense of time isn’t ours. Nor is His sense of possibility … which far, far exceeds our comprehension.

“Well,” you might be saying, “this just isn’t logical!” Perhaps, but in a society upended by a virus, what is?

So, try something you maybe wouldn’t do otherwise. Read a Bible. Pray daily. Attend church (virtually, at least for the time being).

You’ll discover that God has a long history of helping those who trust him. Consider David, the second king of Israel. He rose from humble beginnings. Slayed the giant Goliath with a small stone. Ruled Israel with a renowned sense of wisdom and fairness.

Or Daniel, facing down ferocious beasts for the crime of praying to God. Or Job, who had everything taken away, yet never wavered in his faith.

God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die in this world so that we could be redeemed. Is there any greater evidence that He’s monumentally, completely committed to forming meaningful relationships with us?

God wants us to know Him. He grants us grace. We don’t earn our way into heaven. We accept it.

By all means: Put God to the test. We’re not here to say “We told you so.” Just know that, when you’re ready, we’ll be ready to welcome you into the fellowship of Jesus Christ. We promise it will surpass any you’ve ever known.

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Submit a prayer request for a pressing need in your life. Participate in a virtual prayer session to ask God to be with those who have submitted requests. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)

Growing Faith … in a Storm of Loss

Image courtesy of UK Daily Express.

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” – Psalm 34:17

The numbers alone are almost enough to make you lose faith.

More than 20 million Americans are out of work. Some are temporarily furloughed. Others are truly unemployed – their workplace shuttered, or jobs permanently destroyed by the COVID-19 storm.

Many businesses report dwindling cash reserves. Some estimates predict a quarter of small businesses might never reopen.

Who’s doing well? Alcohol sales, for one. Wine and spirits sales have increased more than 25 percent. Sales of beer 24-packs are close behind.

The kicker? Sales of 3-liter box wines – you know, the ones where you can’t tell how much you’ve drank, because it’s inside a cardboard box – have risen 53 percent!

Divorce lawyers stand to profit, too. Facing government stay-at-home orders, couples are experiencing a lot of togetherness. Maybe too much, if a partnership was already troubled.

Or, relationship cracks could develop just from being cooped up, without the usual outlets of work, sports, entertainment and socializing. Spare time doesn’t necessarily mean good times. Social welfare agencies are bracing for a significant uptick in domestic violence, similar to what European countries experienced as coronavirus swept through.

What to do? These are perilous, unpredictable days.

We are lovers of routine. Wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to work. Come home. Spend time with family or friends. For many, this familiar daily cycle has been vaporized. It’s gone … gone … gone.

Human beings are social creatures … yet much of our social interaction has been lost. Zoom, Skype and phone calls only go so far. Not being able to look someone in the eye, and appreciate their physical presence, forgoes a large element of a strong relationship.

The resulting void is unfamiliar and intimidating. Don’t be ashamed if you’re scared. Many are. In these times of upheaval in society and our daily lives, what are we supposed to do?

Turn to Christ. There you go. Simple, true and abundantly fulfilling.

Yes, it’s a simple answer … but following Christ isn’t simple. A relationship with Him requires discipline, commitment and a new routine.

Yet, as so many foundations of life fall down around us, what do you have to lose?

Maybe, before, you were too busy to think about it. Or, things were going so well, you didn’t need to. That Jesus stuff was for others who needed a crutch. Not you.

Well, if we’ve learned one thing in the past month, it’s that life can change in an awful hurry. Many comforts and taken-for-granteds have disappeared. If you sense an emptiness, it might be more than just loss of routine.

Consider the bigger picture. The bedrock your life rested upon has shifted, or broken apart completely. The yawning gap looks large and deep. You might be frightened. It’s OK.

Christ is waiting. As he said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Don’t let challenging times make you lose faith. Rather, trust it to Him who leads his followers to hope and peace.

The question deserves to be posed again: What do you have to lose?

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Submit a prayer request for a pressing need in your life. Participate in a virtual prayer session to ask God to be with those who have submitted requests. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)